A. angustifolia Haw.
Commonly called Espadin for its sword like leaves deployed in a radiate spiral. It is the most common agave used for mezcal in Oaxaca.
A style of mezcal traditionally made for special occasions in Oaxaca. Pechuga is a way to show kindness and care through the value of giving something to eat, it is a precious thing - like an offering. Our interpretation of this tradition is a unique amalgamation of fruits from our region and fresh turkey breast from our ranch placed together and distilled using our mezcal espadin.
A. potatorum
This agave is characterized by its small size and tight rosettes. Tobala does not typically reproduce clonally, all of our plants are seed grown and when mature they flower during winter.
A. marmorata
The common name for A. marmorata in Oaxaca is tepeztate or tepextate, synonymous with its poblano brothers, pizorra and pitzometl, and "maguey curandero."
A. sp (Warash)
Speculated to be an A. Rhodacantha, but currently unclaassified by the Consejo. In Zapotec Warash means "maguey paisano," from here/ from this region. The only mezcal you'll find made from this agave is Tosba!
A. americana
A. convalis
A. durangensis ...
Destilados de Agave TOSBA is a project in the making that pays homage to tradition and looks to the future, through our unique perspective. Agave spirits have been distilled across Mexico for centuries, but between restrictive raw ingredients, lack of geographical access and economic disadvantages, joining the global market can be prohibitive for many small producers. In order to share some of these micro lots and honor the guardians of the agave spirit protecting tradition throughout the republic, we bring you: Destilados de Agave Tosba. Salud!